AI Room Styles - Home Staging Assistant

Beautify your rooms with styles and colors

40 free monthly renderings with thousands of possible setups.

Whether you're an individual, architect, or real estate agent, you can now effortlessly transform your rooms' pictures into the dreamed ones you want in a few clicks.

٤٠ تصميم شهريًا، ١٣ نمطًا، و ٤ ألوان مجانًا

سواء كنت فردًا أو مهندسًا معماريًا أو وكيل عقاري، يمكنك الآن تحويل صور غرفك بسهولة إلى تلك الأحلام التي ترغب فيها ببضع نقرات فقط

Ready to be amazed?

Makeover and home staging have never been so easy. Take or upload a picture, select a style and a color, and watch beautiful renderings.

Unlock your creative potential.

Choose among hundreds of potential styles and ambiance setups. Each request generates 4 new random designs to imagine amazing rooms.

yellow modern living room

"My living room designed with AI Room Styles is absolutely stunning. The AI algorithm was able to blend different colors, textures, and materials to create a cohesive and modern look. The result is a space that is both functional and visually pleasing, and I recommend this approach to anyone looking to redesign their living or workspace." Buck Smith, Houston, Texas "تم تصميم غرفة المعيشة الخاصة بي باستخدام AI Room Style وهي رائعة تمامًا. تمكن خوارزمية الذكاء الاصطناعي من دمج ألوان ونسيج ومواد مختلفة لإنشاء مظهر متجانس وعصري. النتيجة هي مساحة وظيفية وجذابة بصريًا، وأوصي بهذا النهج لأي شخص يبحث عن إعادة تصميم غرفة المعيشة أو مكان عمله." بك سميث، هيوستن، تكساس

modern brown kitchen

"I am so thrilled with the results with AI Room Styles to sell modern kitchen. The unique and personalized designs created by this ai room decoration service helped potential buyers envision themselves in the space and ultimately led to a quick sale at a great price. I will definitely be using this approach again to help my clients achieve their real estate goals." Victoria Galli, Aurillac, France "أنا سعيد جدًا بالنتائج التي حصلت عليها باستخدام AI Room Styles لبيع مطبخ حديث. ساهمت التصاميم الفريدة والشخصية التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة خوارزمية الذكاء الاصطناعي في مساعدة المشترين المحتملين على تصور أنفسهم في المكان، وأدت في النهاية إلى بيع سريع بسعر رائع. بالتأكيد سأستخدم هذا النهج مرة أخرى لمساعدة عملائي في تحقيق أهدافهم العقارية." فيكتوريا جالي، أورياك، فرنسا

modern brown kitchen

"I am so thrilled with the results with AI Room Styles to sell modern kitchen. The unique and personalized designs created by this ai room decoration service helped potential buyers envision themselves in the space and ultimately led to a quick sale at a great price. I will definitely be using this approach again to help my clients achieve their real estate goals." Victoria Galli, Aurillac, France

Main features


Mode selection

Do you want a smart improvement to change all your room, just change the furniture, replace a single element, or transform a drawing to a realistic picture? AI Room Styles covers all the cases for a full creative experience.


Choose your room

Select among all types of rooms: kitchen, living room, house, bedroom, bathroom, garden...


Style of room

Do you want a modern, an Asian, an eclectic or a more traditional style? Choose among dozens of styles to have a room at your image.


Color customization

The color of your room is so important. It's a reflection of who you are and what you love. And with our tool, you can easily select from a wide range of ambiances to find the perfect color for your space.



Once the 4 renderings are generated, you can edit your preferred one to modify a single element with a different style or color, or shop related furniture.



Security and privacy are our top priority. The images you upload are kept private and secured. See our policy for more information.

Ready to get started?

Take Your Rooms to the Next Level

Illustration Illustration
There Is An AI For That